Friday, December 16, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
During the 1st video we saw that the girl was trying to do hr work.While many others from her class were talking with each other and cheating.She didn’t cheat like the others were.She thought about being a ctw person or a ctr person.In the 2nd clip of the video we saw that the teacher had left the students their tests and left. After a couple minutes later they started pulling out their answer sheets and information they would need for their tests.Then a ctr student stood up and said that if they didn’t put that away he would snitch. I guess the kid did not like how the others were paying as much as him to get the same career and were cheating off the teacher.That would not be a good way to pass.
“ When you tell one lie, it leads to Another”-Paul Hatch
This quote means that when you tell a little lie it will just end up getting bigger than it was before.Others will just add on to what you said and it will become really big. For example when someone lies you need to add more lies to make it seem like that actually happened.So you will just add many other lies at the same time.If a person says that they went somewhere but they didn’t they will tell more lies.They will add lies until all the lies they said back up their claim.Sometimes lies will help you get out of getting into trouble.To add on this also means that don’t tell lies because once they discover you will just get in to deeper trouble.You will get in trouble because of all the lies you said.
Friday, December 9, 2016
The Sting of The Scorpion
Elder Patrick was camping in the desert and his parents told him to always put his shoes on when he would go explore.This day patrick felt like he was just going a take a little walk he wasn’t gonna take long.So he decided to put on his chanclas and go for a stroll.Then while he was walking he felt like a thorn on his leg.When he looked down he saw that a scorpion had just bit him.His parents hurried him to the hospital to which was 2 hour away.Them to were paying the price they didn’t know if he was going to die or survive. What i learned is that if you don’t choose the right you might have consequences for what you do.
“ Always Do Right.”-Mark Twain
This quote means that whatever you do you have to choose the right choice.If there is two options you need to choose the one that will make you a better person.For example if the options were to go with your friends to rob, would this be a good choice?The most likely good choice would be not to do it or go with them. If they get caught you might get rubbed in the problem. Even if you did not do anything.They might blame you for keeping out for your friends.So even though you did not do anything you can go to court or even be put in jail.Some of the consequences you might face in the future if you do this are: goin to jail, getting mentally sick, etc.If you smoke you will see consequences about your mental health going crazy.You might start seeing visions and might not be able to come back to earth.Some of the benefits are that you are going to be responsible and trustworthy.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
In Bad Company
“It’s better to be alone than in bad company.”
This quote means that you don not need to have a lot of people so you can feel protected or better.You can only be just one and be much better than they are.For example if they are robbing and you are with them you will also be arrested.The police will not care if you were not doing anything as long as you were with them.Also after along time you will start to feel like you want to try to do what they are doing.You will feel motiviated into doing what is wrong. If you would have not joined them you would have been doing many thing. It is better if you are alone than being with someone who is going to force you to do something you do not want to do.To add on this quote means that you do not need from someone else to be happy.You can always think as if in alarge group you might notlike things they are doing and you will just do it to fit in.It will cause you damage instead of making you be happier than before.
World War II
The World War II memorial was in December 7,1941.The World War II lasted for a long period of time since September 1,1939- September 2,1945.
During the World War II many of the countries that fought in it were: Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, France, Australia,Canada, New Zealand, India, The Soviet Union, China, and the United States of America.There was a separation in between the countries in Germany,Italy, and Japan versus the other countries.Some of the countries were united and fought against the other countries.
Some of the places that the World War II took place was Russia, Europe, Pacific Ocean, Africa, Asia,Middle East, and more.The World War II took place globally all over the world. Or many people might say the globe.
During the War many of the events that happened were Battle of Midway,Germany invaded Poland, Stalingrad, D-Day, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.The Holocaust was when many Jews were murdered because of ” racial inferiority”.The Nazi believed that a certain race should only exist.
We can show respect for the veterans by visiting a hospital with veterans.Also help veterans in things they need.Lastly saying Thank You for the work they have done.
Monday, December 5, 2016
The Three Questions
- Can people trust me to do what’s right?
- Am i committed to doing my very best?
- Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?
“If the answers to these questions are YES,there is no way you can fail.”-Lou Holtz
This quote means that you need to try and do these things in your life so you want fail.You will have a better future if you do the 3 questions.Also you can keep these questions with you and remeber them everywhere you go .They will be your inspiration to keep you succesful in life.They will help you achieve your major goal.They will be your key in life.For example you need to have trust in life.Without trust nobody will want o give you a job nobody will want to give you anything or tell you anything.Try your best in things you do so you can have a further future than others.If you try you will have a better posibility of getting further than others.People will see you and notice a difference than others don’t have.To add on treat others with respect.If you dont like others disrepecting you dont disrespect them. You need to show that are trying to treat people equally.
Challenges Teens Face Today
- Many of the challenges teens deal today are stress, school,relationships, drug use, peer pressure,and waking up for school.
- The two challenges i am facing today is stress and peer pressure.I am trying to do my best in school so i can’t have less stress in my life.Also trying to have others to help me so that i can have less pressure on accomplish things by myself.
- By being a CTR person or having that character we help ourselves overcome this challenge by trying to be respectful and listen to directions and be responsible in anything we need to do in school or outside of school.
- We can help teens overcome these challenges by teachers giving us less work,homework,or less projects.Many of the things that give us stress are idps or projects.
- The greatest need that teens have today is education.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Health Sciences Librarian
A medical librarian are part of the health team.They help professionals and physicians to see what is best for a patient.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Their job is to look at data and choose any clinical, scientific, and biomedical information for texts,journals, and electronic databases. They need to find out what the the doctors,professionals, or physicians need according to the information given.
Salary: $60,000
You will need to find a program that is associated with American Library association. Also consider joining the Medical Library Association to gather information and learn more about career development.
You will need to earn a bachelor's degree in Library science or health. 
Physical Fitness
“Physical fitness is not the only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
This quote means that not by exercising you will have a great working body. Sometimes many people might have problems with their mental health.They might not be able to remember certain things, will not be able to do certain things.They can also have brain damage.Sometimes people will look fine by the way they look but maybe through the inside they have a mental problem.Or they can also have a learning disability. Having a good health is when people start to care about what they do. Maybe they don’t want to do certain things because of what it might do to them.For example drugs.If people get high maybe they won’t be able to come back.Some people die or their mental health can change.If they were once healthy they might not be as healthy as they were before because it will affect their mental health and probably also physical health.It will make you get tired easily you will hear and see visions,etc.It will aslo make you look tired or maybe you will always be in an angry mood.You will probably have saggy eyes and a higher chance to get a certain type of cancer.So it is better to have a better mental health and physical health and of course do things that make you be happy.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
This quote means that if you try your best to do good you will have positivity in your life.If you help others you will feel very happy about yourself.You will also feel like you have accomplished something in your life.You will always have a greater future if you try to do what is best.For example if you help someone you might feel proud about yourself.Soon someone will do the same thing for they say treat otheres the way you want to be treated.
Friday, November 18, 2016
“Manners maketh man”William Wykeham
This quote implies that what makes a person great is manners.Manners means the way somebody acts.For example there can be bad bad manners by saying anything rude.There can also be good manners like please and thank you.It is better for a person to have good manners because the society will not criticize you.You will be known as the person who was always polite.You will always like to be treated fairly so treat people with your best manners. It will feel like you are making a difference.People will start to feel appreciated in what they are doing. For example if there is a lady that lets people cross the street tell her thankyou she will feel like somebody appreciated her work.Maybe she or he can be doing something for free and you are not appreciating their work. Also people will be able to trust you more .
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.” Marcus Aurelius
This quote implies that you need to choose the best selection that there is.If something you want to do is not right than don’t do it.If you do something you aren’t supposed to do you will regret it.After your plan didn’t come out or your parents find out you will regret what you did.So it is better to do something right than wrong.Also if you do not know if somethng is true or not do not say a word about it.For your actions you can hurt someone.You might not think it through but it is better for you to know the truth before saying it.You can also be spreading rumorsonce you say somethibg.Not every person you tell something to them will be reliable.They can also be spreading rumors or even adding more to what you said.Then you will soon be very guilty for saying what you said.Also nobody will have trust in you.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and in the U.S.In Canada Thanksgiving is celebrated the second monday in October.Thanksgiving is a cultural tradition and religious roots.In the U.S. they celebrate it every last thursay of November.
Thanksgiving is the meaning of when the pilgrims first came to the new world.The first Thanksgiving celebration was celebrated in 1621.The holiday was announced official in 1863 by the president Abraham Lincoln.This was a day to give thanks and praise beneficent father for giving them a New World. They celebrated Thanksgiving after their first harvest.It lasted for atleast three days.More than 93 Native Americans attended and at least 53 pilgrims.
Monday, November 14, 2016
“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.” Chick Moorman
This quote means that it is better for a person to do what is right than what is wrong.It also means that it is better to be honest than either winning or losing anything.This can be when you need to help others and you do not do things to be a countable person.There should also be a balance because if you do not make wrong decisions in life then how will you learn.If you do not know what to choose then you will not have a succesful life.Or at least a life that you wanted to have.

Monday, November 7, 2016
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life integrity:
- Have the courage to say no.
- Have the courage to face the truth.
- Do the right thing because it is right
This quote means that by following these examples you will have success. By always saying the truth you will be successful because everybody will trust you.If you say something they will believe in you and think that you are a trustworthy person and a loyal person.You also always need to say the truth so everybody will know that you are a person they can trust.For example if someone asks for a favor they will know they can trust you.They will not be worried if you did it or not.They already know you are person they can count on.Also if someone asks you for a favor and you don’t do it they might not trust you anymore.You are going to be known as the person who lies and isn’t reliable on. Finally you have to do anything that is correct or feels to you that is correct.Even if many peop,e think you should not do that and it is correct you have to do what is right.In order for you to be known as a good person.Either trustworthy,loyal,etc.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
“The best recreation is to do good.” William Penn
This quote means that the best thing you can ever do is always choose the correct things. Also make your own choices in everything you do or think.Don’t let others make your decisions or tell you what to do.Many people will try to influence you into choosing anything they like or want to do.For example if others want to do drugs and you don’t want to do not let them influence you or make you do something you do not like.You always have to pick what you agree to.Anything you do will have to be for a good change.Either if you need to change they way you act or maybe even change the people you hangout with.It will be better for you to be abetter person and update your life. It will give you a good time to think about all the things you can change.
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”- Proverbs 13:20
This quote means that the people that you hang out with you can change you.They also can influence you into doing many things. Things you might like or are used to doing or things you might not like to do.Sometimes the people you are with might or might not change you. It will always depend on your decisions but there is a one percent chance that you will be able to speak for yourself and say that you do not want to do something they are doing.For example if you do not want to do drugs then do not do them it will depend on you if you want to do it or if you don’t.If your friends are influencing you in ways that you are not used to make your own decisions.If you start to be with people who always do their work maybe they will inspire you to try to raise your grades up.You can change your life by the people you hang out.It will depend either you want to be like them or change them in a good perspective .
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Gainesville Tornadoes
The Gainesville Tornadoes thanked their unexpected fans for all the support they gave them.The team Vanguard asked many of their own fans to cheer for their opponents.They stated that they did not want to play the basketball game if the other team did not have any supporters or fans and they also didn't want to have an empty gym, Many of the people who attended at the juvenile hall did not go to see their game because they could not get out.So the basketball team from vanguard decided to ask many of the other fans that supported them to cheer for the other team which was the tornadoes.The tornadoes felt very proud about themselves for winning the game.They also felt thankful and were very appreciated with the other team for letting there own fans cheer for them.The team that they were againist. This showed that not everything is about winning but also about being happy and cheerful.
Friday, October 28, 2016
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
This statement means that others might judge you if you do the right thing but others will still judge if you do the wrong thing.Others might think that some actions are better if you do them the wrong way or others might just go against everything that you do.This also means that bad choices will not always be the right thing to do even if it is popular or benefits you.Even if you choose to do the right thing other might not like it or if you try to do the good things other might still not like it.Society will never be happy with anything you do.They will judge you for anything you do.Even if you try to do something that everybody is for it will not benefit you in any way.It will start giving you negative influences and it might make you feel popular. But after time people will just move on and forget about what you did.After a certain amount of time you will start feeling guilty and just think about all those bad morals you did.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.Write down what you want most and see it often." - Peter Vidmar
This quote means you need to try accomplish your goals if that is what you actually like to do.You need to write down either in a journal or keep it always with you. Try to accomplish anything that you think will help you in the future. Not only the in the future but also in the present and in the past. This will help you correct your errors and make you feel proud of what you have accomplished.This quote also informs us that you just need to put effort into what you need to accomplish and you will see positive results.You can then think back and reflect I actually did do this for a reason it actually does benefit me. With a journal or notebook you will have more time to think on what you will be trying to accomplish. You will see your success after all your hard work.
“A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself.”
This quote implies that in order to be have good future you must be a ctr person.If you don’t know what ctr means well ctr means to choose the right.If you want to be a good person you need to always choose the correct things that will affect your life. If you want to be a champion you need to follow the rules.For example if you want to have a great job.What do you think you need to do? Either don’t care about what you do, do drugs, and get bad grades.Or you can also try your best in everything you do. Remember that you only live once. You will not get a second opportunity after you choose the incorrect choice.
Homecoming is an annual celebration that is celebrated in each high school. They usually celebrate it by having a get together and have a football game and a formal dance. Homecoming is usually celebrated in late September or early October to welcome back alumni, any new students or former residents.
Many people might say,but why do schools celebrate homecoming? Well many schools celebrate homecoming because they can get to see all their friends and have a get together and have fun.
Some schools celebrate homecoming in football season but many other schools also celebrate it during volleyball games, soccer games, and even hockey. Usually the activities the school has during the homecoming week such as:
Spirit week, parade, competion between grade levels, powder puff football, and many more fun activities.
The football game for homecoming is called the homecoming game.Many people might not know the reason.Well if it was named that it was for a reason. It is when people, towns, high schools, and colleges come together.
I think that homecoming is a great way people can spend time together.Also see many people or they haven’t seen in a very long time.
Monday, October 24, 2016
" A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."- Mike Krzyewski
This quote implies that it is better to be known in for your deeds. Also that people have to know you for what you have done not for things you have.For example many people know famous people because they act or sing or do anything to help out. Others are known just by how much money they have.It is better for people to know you by what they have actually seen that you have done. Not by the things people have said about you or have heard.People have to get to know you by your actions or commitment.Also to add on you don't have to be known for smoking or doing any things that can influence others to try that are bad for your health or future. Another example is that people can know you by the way you look or by what your actions are. In this case the model that i will be using is Kim Kardishan there is probably no one who does not know who she is. She is very popular not by her action actions but by the way she looks.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
- Proverbs 22:1
This quote implies that it is better to have a good reputation than to be known for being rich.Also this can mean that doing the correct thing is better and helps you more than riches.For example you can have all the luxury you want, this is what you will be known for having money and valuable items.It will be your name .What if you have all riches and luxury but you have a bad attitude then people will know your being rich and rude. You might be walking down the street and then hear they are talking about you.

Friday, October 14, 2016
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone.Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."- Thomas S. Monson
This quote means that don't do something you don't want to do. Do not be forced to obey people when they are invocating you into doing something bad.You have to stick up and speak what you think. Don't just do what everybody does. When you start to do things other people you are just an imitation of them.Everyone is unique in your own way. You don't have to do something you don't like because they are forcing you. You have different thoughts and you will not like to do something you don't like.For example if someone jumps off a cliff will you do it too?No you will not because you will not sacrifice your life for someone's else's.You don't have to do everything everybody else does just so you can fit in.Everyone is different in their own ways and you will stand out.You will like to be that person who stands out from the rest.The one who is known for doing something differnet in their life then just copy or imitate what everybody else is doing.
Environmental Health Specialist
They are specialist that are specialized in making sure that regulations from the federal state to check of the sanitation of the food and water also anything that can become poisonous or contaminated.
Jobs and Duties:
Their responsibilities are to check the cleanliness and the housing environment. For example they are able to closed down a restaurant if they inspect and they see many thing or foods that are not being used properly.They also need to inspect markets to see if their food is not contaminated or has any rotten or rat bitten food.
Salary: $71,000- $113,000
You must earn a bachelor’s degree and have a certification from any professional organizations.
Requirements: Must have a bachelor’s degree a certification, and also have experience.
I would not like to be one because how would i know if something was poisonous or not. Would i have to taste the contaminated food.
Computer Forensics Examiner
A computer forensics examiner are people who work with the government they try to investigate any information they have. For example if they have a piece of dna they track down who’s dna it is.They also investigate who was at the crime scene.
Duties and responsibilities:
Their job is to try to enforce laws with the government or any agencies. They can be hired in a private request or by government and try to get any information by the computer.The government allows them to look at the people living here or any other place so they can get more information and try to find out who was in the crime scene and who is the victim, and the suspects. They are also known as hackers.
Salary: $43,190-$119,940
In order to become a hacker or forensics computer examiner you must go to college and get a bachelor’s degree for 4 years. The bachelor’s degree must be on computer science.
Demand for this particular career:
You must get a bachelor’s degree in computer science and also must get a certification certified by the CFCE (Certified Forensic Computer Examiner)
Yes i would like to be a computer forensics examiner because i really like to investigate and learn new things about the world. You also can get to help other people with the information they need.To add on this is a career that iwould like to be because you will make a great differnece in the world by figuring out an dcatching all the people who comit crime.
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