These are the 3 magic keys to living your life integrity:
Have the courage to say no.
Have the courage to face the truth.
Do the right thing because it is right
This quote means that by following these examples you will have success. By always saying the truth you will be successful because everybody will trust you.If you say something they will believe in you and think that you are a trustworthy person and a loyal person.You also always need to say the truth so everybody will know that you are a person they can trust.For example if someone asks for a favor they will know they can trust you.They will not be worried if you did it or not.They already know you are person they can count on.Also if someone asks you for a favor and you don’t do it they might not trust you anymore.You are going to be known as the person who lies and isn’t reliable on. Finally you have to do anything that is correct or feels to you that is correct.Even if many peop,e think you should not do that and it is correct you have to do what is right.In order for you to be known as a good person.Either trustworthy,loyal,etc.