Thursday, April 27, 2017
The 10 Indian Commandments
These commandments are wise.These are some of the things we should do in our daily life.When not knowing what to decide remember that there is these commandments which you can follow. These commandments can also be a great guide in which you can use.They will be very helpful when you can’t decide what decision to take.They will also be helpful because we will also do them once in awhile.We also need to take care of our surroundings or planet.We need to try to protect it and keep it safe just like in commandment 1.When you work together not only do you benefit yourself but you benefit others.We need to be honest and say the truth at all time.We will need all of these commandments in our life.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
“A promise must never be broken.”~Alexander Hamilton
This quote implies that when you say something you need to keep your word.This quote is probably very important to many people.Many people can imply this quote to their life.When someone states or says something they trust that person.If you don’t do what you are going to do you will probably let the person down.They will not be able to trust you no more.For example say you are going to your friends party.You told your friend you are going so they are waiting on you.You might get sick or an excuse but you should atleast go for a while if you were committed to do something.When you state something you need to do it.
Orthopedic Surgeon
An orthopedic surgeon is trained to diagnose, preoperative, operative, and postoperative treatment.They can help people with muscular problems by operating or treatment.
Duties and Responsibilities:
They work with the musculoskeletal system which includes bones,joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Salary: $512,000
- 4 year bachelor’s degree
- 4 years in medical school
- 4-5 year in orthopedic surgery
- Manual dexterity
- Physical stamina
- Strong communication
- Organization skills
I think i would like to be one because i would like to be a forensic investigator and this would be helpful to examine bodies. This will help me decide whether i do want to be a forensic investigator.
Friday, April 21, 2017
“Goodness is the only investment that doesn’t fail.”
This quote implies that out of all the things you only are going to keep the things you did well.This may also mean that any bad things you do will just be a waste of your time.They will not help you in the future with anything.Instead in the future it will just hurt your record.It will also affect your reputation if you had one.To add on this quote implies that the things that will only be helpful in your life are anything good you did.For example if you started to sing when you were small that will probably help you.People will get to see that you made a career out of that.Also if you had any good experiences when you are feeling sad or depressed you remember all the good things you did.
This quote implies that you always have to try the right decision even if everyone thinks it is wrong.You don’t have to listen to what others are going to say about you just think about all the good things you can do. For example say you want to help out an old man but you are with your friends.You are worried about what they are going to say.Also you might be worried about how they might react.Sometimes others might think you make decisions because you want to be known for it.In real life sometimes you feel that is the right decision to make.It is up to you what you choose.
An Orthodontist is a type of dentist that specializes in crooked teeth.It is different from a dentist because they help you get your teeth straight and a dentist helps you remove cavities and fix loose teeth.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Their job is to help people have crooked teeth.They can give you braces if needed.You can walk in and next you know it you will have your mouth full of braces.
Salary: $192,600
- 4 year undergraduate degree
- Bachelor’s for science
- Dental school
- Reading comprehension
- Active listening
- Writing
- Speaking
- Monitoring
No I would not like to be one because I will not be good with teeth.I might feel people will bite me or anything else.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Optometry Technician or Assistant
Optometry assistant are people who help optometrists in their vision clinics.Optometry technician is a medical professional who helps doctors such as opthamologist.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Optometrists assistants help by conducting tests recording and measuring tests, testing eye function,cleaning and arranging equipment and much more.Optometrists technicians record patient medical histories and check if the tests are accurate.
Optometrist Assistant:$26,390-$26,610
Optometrist Technician:$22,260
- High school diploma
- 1-2 year training programs
- Vocational programs
- Community colleges
- Associate degree
Demand or need for this profession:
- Patient rapport
- Work precision
- Team work
- Office application skills
- Organization
- Communication
- Multitasking
I think I would not like to be one because this is not the enough money I would need. We would earn a little bit of money.
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound.”(Not Good)~Joseph Smith
This quote implies that we need to announce or say things that are important.Also things that will benefit ourselves or others.For example maybe when you are with someone he/ she might be going through a rough time.If you say thoughtful words it might make the person feel better than he/she was before.If you say dumb things or words to them it can make them feel worse.A person will feel better when they are going through a tough situation and you give them some words of hope.Another example is say someone is getting mad and you don’t know how to solve this.You can either say things that will get the person more mad.You can also cus a t them and same many bad thing to them.Or you can either be friendly and speak wisely.To add on tell them some words of advice or wisdom.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Spring Break
During Spring break I really didn’t do many things.Probably just go out during the weekends and twice on the weekdays.On the past saturday I went to a friends 15.This saturday that just passed i went to my cousin's baptism.During the week i visited my cousin’s house and regathered with some old friends they I hadn’t talked to in a long time.To add on while at her house since there was nothing to do i decided I would join them in painting their house.To add on I also watched a new show that is one of the most popular Netflix shows.You have probably heard of it was produced by Selena Gomez and the show is called 13 Reasons Why.This show is about a girl that committed suicide and recorded herself on 13 different types why she killed herself.The movie I also watched was Titanic the day before the anniversary of it when it had sank.During the baptism I met with many cousins and family that i hadn’t seen in a long time.These are some of the things I did during Spring Break.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
“ I am not bound to win,but I am bound to be true.I must stand with anybody that stands right,and stands with him while he is right,and part with him when he goes wrong.” ~Abraham Lincoln
This quote implies that he is not sure if he will get out something from what he is doing.He does know that he will make others feel better.He is sure others will be changed.That they will have better opportunities in life.Whatever he states he will try to accomplish it.For example say you are running for school president and you say you will change policies students do like.You do not care how much stress you will get you will try to help others.You will accomplish what you said.Also if you tell a friend you will always be there for them.If you stay true you will never leave their side.You will be there for them when they need you the most.To add on he is trying to say that he will try to protect the citizens that are supporting him or not supporting him it is his job as president or not as president.
Optometrists are eye doctors.They help people that are having problems with their vision or prescription.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Their job is to prescribe vision tests also diagnose problems that they are having with nearsightedness,farsightedness,and eye diseases.
Salary: $61,680-$177,590
- Doctoral degree
- Bachelor’s degree
- Must pass aboard exam
- Also get licensed
Demand or need for this profession:
- Desire to help people
- Caring and compassionate nature
- Ability to perform detailed and precise work
- Understand and comprehend biology and physiology.’
Reflection:I think I wouldn’t like to be one because i am not interested in helping people with eye problems.I would prefer working in another position in the medical field.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
“Character is higher than intellect.”~Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote implies that something is the most important to your life is your behavior.Or also known as character.Character can be what describes a person.It can also be how they act or behave or what they do.If a person is always greeting people and helping people out you can tell they are a good person.That is the person’s character. This quote also means that just because someone can be doing good in school it doesn’t mean that they are going to have the best attitude.Why care if people are doing good in something or look a certain way in their academics if they don’t act in a positive way.If someone is always giving attitude most likely people aren’t going to hang out with them.If they see someone friendly or kind most likely that is what they will like in a friend.In a friend or person you always see their personality.For example say you are looking for someone to be your friend you are going to choose a friend who is nice,funny and has a good character/personality.Why get a friend who is always going to be bossing you around and not caring about you or others.Also friends that make you feel less than someone else.
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