"Decisions Determine Destiny"
This quote refers that whatever you chose is your future.Either you pick to do drugs or to drink alcohol.You will get your own results from what you have done in the past and it will affect the future. If you would like to have a future where you don't have any problems its your decision.You can either chose the correct things to get a positive and bright future. But you can also chose incorrect decisions and you might not like what you have in the present.What ever you start is what ever you will end up with. For example if you start to grow a watermelon you have to water it and put soil and put it out in the sun. It depends on you if it will grow.Maybe you will forget about the watermelons and the worms will eat on them weeds. They will just die down. That's how life is if you don't the correct things to do and think you can fix it later you will forget about your problem and it will just sink . Even though you might not remember about it, it can affect your future. This quote implies that it is your choice how you would like your life.

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