Life is too short to waste your time. ” Darlene Lopez
This quote means that you need to spend your time correctly.Be wise and think about what you are going to do with your life.It is either you are going to have a nice and positive life or you are going to what the people around you do. If they want to get your time wasted and you don’t this is well for you get away from them.Think about why you are getting away from hem or not hanging out with them. After a while you might see a change in your life either for good or for bad.Most of the time of your life you need to have to live your life have fun. Like how many people say you only live once.You have to live a life full of positivity and one that you can enjoy.Not a life that others will take advantage of you and take over you like if they had to run your life. If someone ruins their life it is their fault they do not have the reason to come and ruin someone else’s life.It is your decision to see in the future how are you going to be wasting your time.Sometimes you might have to over think some decisons is it you are going to waste your time on this or this. To add on this quote implies that you need to be smart on your decisions that you are going to pick in life.
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