"They key to freedom is obedience.The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."- Boyd K. Packer
This quote implies that the more we listen is the more opportunities we will have to choose our selves. If we choose something incorrect then we will not be able to do what we want. For example if a teacher sees your working well he/she will let you decide if you can still sit with that same person if you are being obedient or listening to anything he/ she says. If you choose to talk and not do any work then he/she will not let you choose mostly anything because he/she will think that you aren't being obedient. When listening and following the rules you get to do more things. People let you have freedom because they will think that you are a responsible person and mature.By being obedient you can get things that many others don't have.You will feel proud of yourself when being obedient because you will feel special that you are doing the correct and they are rewarding you by letting you at least a bit of freedom that other's have. Also in some schools that wear uniform they give you a pass that says perfect h.w and its a free dress pass. Many of those people felt special because they were outstanding the rest by being obedient. In some they also have an avid program and take kids to Six Flags but if you are not in the program and you are obedient you still have a chance to go to Six Flags or any other reward.

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